Student test scores take hit: The Astorian

Local Reporting for the Astorian, Printed on the Front Page, September 24, 2022

Ethan Meyers reported on the most recent student test scores for proficiency in English, Math, and Science in Oregon. Details about the Smarter Balanced assessment for 3rd-8th graders and 11th graders can be viewed here. If your child scored Level 3 and/or Level 4 in these subjects, they are on track with regard to skills including critical thinking, problem solving, and reasoning.

A tool for parents can be viewed here to help interpret the results. This guide also shares helpful tips on how to get your child(ren) up to the Level 3 and Level 4 achievements.

How did Clatsop County schools perform?

Not very well.

Astoria School District:

English: 47%
Math: 27%
Science: 30%

Warrenton-Hammond School District:
English: 33%
Math: 19%
Science: 22%

Knappa School District:
English: 28%
Math: 18%
Science: 21%

Jewell School District:
English: 59%
Math: 24%
Science: 42%