USDA forecasts Higher Washington Wheat Harvest in 2022
The Yakima
The National Agricultural Statistics Service, a department of the U.S. Department of Agriculture estimated increased wheat productions of 70% in Washington and 38% in Oregon above 2021 harvests.
Nationally total wheat crop is estimated to harvest 1.17 billion bushels, down 8% from 2021. White winter wheat production is estimated to increase 38% from 2021, with 15.7 million bushels of hard white wheat and 214 million bushels of soft white wheat. However the hard red winter wheat is forecasted to be down 21% and soft red winter wheat is estimated to reduce 2% from 2021 harvests.
The National Agricultural Statistics Service also has an interactive tool to research survey data by each state and crop. The searches take just a minute to input the parameters and get your desired results. One such example of an input screen can be viewed here. The search report of total wheat planted in Washington in 2022 can be found here.
Below is the staff report from the Columbia Basin Herald, Moses Lake, Washington (TNS), May 20, 2022.
Washington exports more than 300 crops and products, making it the most trade-dependent state in the union. Tri-City Herald File Photo
PORTLAND — The U.S. Department of Agriculture is forecasting a major increase in wheat production in Washington in 2022, according to a report published by the department's National Agricultural Statistics Service.
In a report released in mid-May, NASS forecast a 70% increase in Washington's 2022 wheat harvest to 121 million bushels from the dismal harvest in 2021. NASS is expecting wheat yields in Washington to average 67 bushels per acre, up 25 bushels from the previous year, when drought and a long heatwave in late June and early July wreaked havoc on the state's dry land wheat farmers.
According to NASS, Washington wheat farmers planted an estimated 1.85 million acres in the fall of 2021, up 100,000 acres from 2020, and are expected to harvest roughly 1.8 million acres this summer, up 110,000 acres from 2021.
Oregon wheat production for 2022 is forecast at 43.9 million bushels, up 38% from 2021. NASS expects average Oregon wheat yields at 61 bushels per acre, up 16 bushels, while farmers planted an estimated 730,000 acres last fall, up from 720,000 in 2020, and are expected to harvest 720,000 acres this summer, 15,000 more acres than were harvested in 2021.
Nationwide, the total wheat crop is forecast at 1.17 billion bushels, down 8% from 2021, with an average national yield of 47.9 bushels per acre, down 2.3 bushels from the previous year. Total U.S. white winter wheat production is forecast at 230 million bushels, up 38% from 2021, with 15.7 (million) bushels of hard white wheat and 214 million bushels of soft white wheat. Total hard red winter wheat production for 2022 is estimated to reach 590 million bushels, down 21% from 2021, while soft red winter wheat is forecast to come in at 354 million bushels, down 2% from 2021, according to the NASS report.
In a separate NASS report on hay stocks, the agency said on-farm stocks of hay as of May 1 in Washington fell 18% to 180,000 tons from 220,000 tons in 2021.
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