Bioaerosols, old news, but relevant today.
“The potential for airborne transmission of sewage-related infectious disease was demonstrated by Horrocks over 100 years ago when he cultured airborne microorganisms from sewage drain systems and also detected airborne transport from one hospital building to another via the sewer drains. Similar results were seen by others including Andrewes.”
Today this bears repeating: Bioaerosols ARE a cause of infectious disease transmission.
This literature review by Dr. Deborah Hirst, Ph.D. and her colleagues summarizes one area of research in bioaerosols and infectious disease transmission.
The potential risks associated with “toilet plume” aerosols produced by flush toilets is a subject of continuing study. This review examines the evidence regarding toilet plume bioaerosol generation and infectious disease transmission.
The peer-reviewed scientific literature was searched to identify articles related to aerosol production during toilet flushing, as well as epidemiologic studies examining the potential role of toilets in infectious disease outbreaks.
The studies demonstrate that potentially infectious aerosols may be produced in substantial quantities during flushing. Aerosolization can continue through multiple flushes to expose subsequent toilet users. Some of the aerosols desiccate to become droplet nuclei and remain adrift in the air currents. However, no studies have yet clearly demonstrated or refuted toilet plume-related disease transmission, and the significance of the risk remains largely uncharacterized.
Research suggests that toilet plume could play a contributory role in the transmission of infectious diseases. Additional research in multiple areas is warranted to assess the risks posed by toilet plume, especially within health care facilities.
Am J Infect Control. 2013 Mar; 41(3): 254–258.
Published online 2012 Oct 5.
doi: 10.1016/j.ajic.2012.04.330