B.1.1.529 Reported In Vitro Therapeutic Activity, Update For January 5, 2022

New data is available on the NIH website here that compiles in vitro data with SARS-CoV-2 variants with regard to vaccines, antibodies, antivirals, and convalescent plasma. This interactive tool allows any individual to look for the parameters of their interest, including what has been published in the last seven days.

Specifically for B.1.1.529, or the Omicron variant, the medical community has lost the majority of the therapeutic antibody treatments.

As the Nature article from December 21, 2021 reports:

But when virologists saw that Omicron has a multitude of mutations concentrated on its spike protein, they feared what it would mean for these treatments. The outcome was even worse than they anticipated, says Olivier Schwartz, a virologist at the Pasteur Institute in Paris and a co-author of one of the preprints 3. “We didn’t expect to see such a shift in the antibodies’ effectiveness,” he says.

”Sotrovimab is the best of the lot. Even so, the concentration required to halve viral replication was roughly three times higher for Omicron than for other coronavirus variants. Although sotrovimab’s drop in potency against the new variant is significant, says Stuart Turville, a virologist at the Kirby Institute in Sydney, Australia, and a co-author of one of the preprints2, “it’s nothing like what we saw for the others”. That might be because sotrovimab targets a part of the spike protein that is unchanged across many related coronaviruses.

While two recently Emergency Use Authorized oral antiviral therapies stop Omicron replication in vitro, don’t hang your hat on receiving them. There are very specific populations who are eligible to receive both the Merck product, molnapiravir, and the Pfizer combination therapy. These antivirals are most potent when used in the first days of infection, or the window of time that many people do not have fulminant symptoms and therefore do not seek testing or treatment.
